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Saturday, October 26, 2013 @ 10:21 PM | 0 comment(s)
Hello and assalamualaikum people.

Here we go again.The last hobbies of mine. Basketball is my favorite hobby and my first love. It is also my favorite sport and most importantly my passion for life. I have played basketball for as long as I can remember and want to continue playing after college somewhere overseas. Every time I step out on the court it becomes a chance for me to show every aspect of who I really am.

Basketball is like my friend. Without basketball, I will lose a lot of fun in my life. Playing basketball is like studying for the test, if you don't play hard, your may lose the game. Basketball mean a lot to me, I feel ease and relax when I playing basketball with my friend. There are not limit for basketball game, you can do anything you can to win the game except fault. Sometime, we lose game, we will discuss our weakness together, because we all believe the next time we can play better. 

And let me introduce you guys with my friends. Yeapppp. Most of our time, we will spend together to play basketball during weekends. There are my best buddies. Dayana, Fatin, Adib MK, Faqih, Afham, Iedan Rapi, Amir, Hafiz,Adib Bobo dan Akmal.

How I love you guys!

My 3 Favorite Basketball Players:
1.Dwyane Wade
2.Kobe Bryant
3.Micheal Jordan 

I personally feel that basketball teaches many life lessons. It is an opportunity to help individuals grow by responsibility, hardwork, teamwork, and leardership these things are what helps you grow and learn things that you can apply to your everyday life. Till we meet again. Adios!
Ain Nadhirah

19 year old.
Daddy's girl.